
You have arrived at a fundamental solution and true energy!

Customers’ comments

 No discomfort at all and, I mean, it’s a lightweight feeling, although it hurt a lot! ! It’s amazing! Really great! !

I hesitated to take medicine and didn’t need to take it.

It’s like I fell asleep with an oxygen capsule.

The energy of tension was melted, I was able to get a feeling of freedom from my heart.

 I was able to lose weight naturally!


Do you have a problem because you’ve not got well wherever you went?

All things are made of energy.

Energy is the root of everything.

“Now” you’ve reached the information that may make your discomfort go away.

Are you interested in it even a little?

If you are interested in anything,
please take your time now and go on reading this website carefully.
↓ ↓ ↓

I was in a state of depression when I was in my late twenties.

Due to excessive stress, unbearable whole-body fatigue lasted one year.

With perfectionism, I was not good at taking a rest without assuring that I was going to the "top". In my late 20's, I finally exhausted my energy and became depressed. In addition to being unable to work and living alone, my savings decreased steadily. With the feeling of catching at straws, I visited the place of a qigong (a traditional Chinese breathing exercise) teacher that a friend of mine told me.

At that time, I was completely denying spiritual things. But I accepted that my choice that I had thought was correct before resulted in the depression state and general fatigue. So, I thought that I was 100% wrong and that others were 100% correct and tried qigong.

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch

Qi Gong ... I'm just being put by a hand ...

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch

I couldn’t say anything ...

It was one of the apartments where I took qigong. The qigong teacher was a friendly lady.

She was deeply breathing by putting her hands around my liver after I was laid down on the treatment table.

I was able to relax and naturally became breathing deeply.
Dramatic change was not felt immediately after the treatment, but my mind cleared, my visibility became clear, and my view looked bright.

Even after the next day, I realized that my body weight became light little by little and something was happening in my body. So, I started to go there regularly.

I recovered with a tremendous speed through qigong.

My spiritual talent bloomed.

After that, my mind and body changed at an astounding speed, and my spiritual talent blossomed as if my back was pushed by something big.

When I began to "forgive" everything, I was fraught with great emotion and unconditional love came out of myself.
Tears did not stop running because I was so impressed. It was an experience of "awakening (ascension)" which is told in the spiritual world.

I felt all the presence adorable and understood that those who I stared at and those who I touched are healed.

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch

I came across Quantum-Touch® Healing.

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch

Miracle Healing Technique

I realized that the healing ability was attached to me, and furthermore, in order to improve its abilities, I looked for a quick and effective healing technique.
And based on the scientific theory, Quantum-Touch was the most fascinating.

Quantum means the smallest quantity of radiant energy. Quantum-Touch adjusts the micro level which is even smaller than the atom and dramatically increases the client's self-healing power.

In the United States, Quantum-Touch is endorsed by leading experts in various fields such as doctors, nurses, chiropractors, acupuncturists and so on.

"Seeing is believing about the effect of this procedure. Just touching lightly moves the bones to the correct position and advances the degree of healing. " Dara Par, Chiropractor

"Quantum-Touch practitioners should be in all American hospitals." Norman Sealy,
Medical Doctor

I learned Quantum-Touch, performed the treatment for 30 hours for self-healing and for 60 hours for people, and accumulated practice and experience. Taking the qualification of Quantum-Touch Practitioner, I started to do a full-scale healing session.

Completed Quantum-Touch® Level 1 on 4/7/2013
Completed Quantum-Touch® Level 2 on 6/9/2013
Acquired Quantum-Touch® Practitioner on 4/14/2016

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch

Let me introduce myself.
I am Takatoshi Tokuo,
Quantum-Touch ® Practitioner.

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch Japanese healer Takatoshi Tokuo


"Nice to meet you. Thank you very much for reading to this website until now.

I am currently practicing Quantum-Touch ® healing in Kagoshima City and by the remote treatment.

What kind of problems are you having now?

Do you have stiffness, pain, tiredness, internal organs' malfunction, or diseases whose causes are unknown?

Do you lack confidence or have difficulties in human relationships? I think that you have hardships.

I would be pleased if I could help you.

Until now, I have received comments of appreciation from many customers. Please read some of their comments."

To apply, please click here.

Remote Quantum-Touch

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch effect review

"There was a time when rhinitis was tough, so I had remote healing done.  Because I was going to take an important yoga lesson, I hesitated to take medicine, and I didn’t need to take it. It was a great help. Mr. Tokuo knows a lot of things and is the person that creates an atmosphere to feel free to talk."

Ms. Mayumi Kumakawa

"The noticeable swelling of my legs and ankles largely disappeared in a day.  The feeling of fatigue of my whole body was relieved, and I was able to demonstrate unusual endurance at work. I went ahead, saying, “Let's go a step further!”

I had kept feeling clogging as if it was a V-shape from the bottom to the top on the left side near the center of my cranial bone, but I felt the passage became better from the hollow at the back of my neck towards the upper left. There was also a sense that the position of the right eardrum also returned to its original position for the first time in nearly 20 years. Although it has fluidity, a dramatic healing has occurred." Ms. Y (female)

"It was my first time to get a healing, I was half-trusted (I'm sorry), but I certainly felt the change.
From the third day on, the heavy feeling of the back of my head became easier and the dizziness I sometimes had felt went away. I became able to sleep well at night. I felt comfortable and I was able to spend my time without feeling the disorder of my body that I was always worried about so much." Ms. S (female)

"I was bothered by acne skin since I was an elementary school student. I made the utmost effort I could do, but it was not improved. And yet, it is noticeable my skin has become clearer since I received the remote Quantum-Touch. " Ms. Y (female)

"I was worried about the poor physical condition due to stress and the distortion of my ribs and pelvis due to childbirth, so I took a remote Quantum-Touch procedure. I became comfortable and my breathing became easier. The distortion of my ribs and pelvis was also set up. " Ms. N (female)

※The results vary from person to person.

Remote Quantum-Touch for Pets Customer's Review

"A budgerigar I kept was dying.  I warmed her up and gave medicine, but she didn’t get better at all, and just weakened day by day.
When I nearly gave up, I suddenly remembered Mr. Takatoshi Tokuo, a therapist of a healing salon Nirvana. To tell the truth, I was half-convinced of healing, and it was for an animal partner and a condition of remote therapy. However, I felt like clutching even at straws and asked for it. I was told to show a photo of my pet and her body part where something is wrong, and I sent them to Mr. Tokuo as I was told.  I took the remote treatment (I didn’t feel anything because Mr. Tokuo was not in front of me) and the next morning came.  It was not exaggeration, my budgerigar became really well, and she was singing cheerfully! I hadn’t expected too much (I'm sorry, Mr. Tokuo!), so I was surprised!  Now she almost gets over it completely! There is really invisible power, isn’t there!

Also, Mr. Tokuo was kind enough to listen to me, so I was relieved myself. It may have been transmitted to my pet. It’s nice to be fine anyway! Thank you so much! Ms. K (female)

Remote healing?! Suspicious! 
You must be kidding?!

I thought so.
But I was wrong.

Originally, as I denied spiritual things, I naturally thought remote healing was a lie! It's a fraud! 
However, when I awoke to a spiritual sense, I realized that science and physics taught in schools as a matter of course were wrong. 

School education and general social common sense are based on Newtonian mechanics. 
But Newtonian mechanics has a big pitfall. 
It is trying to explain phenomena without answering one philosophical question. 

That question is, 

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch

"What am I ?"

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch spiritual enlightenment

If I try to explain the phenomena without answering this question, I will not be able to reach the truth.

Why can you call yourself "you"? 
What on earth are you calling "you"? 
Can oxygen brought into blood vessels through lungs be called "you"? 

In Newtonian mechanics, consideration to subjectivity (observation) is missing. 

Einstein, a physicist, also indicated this point and said something like "If the existence of time and space is recognized, the time and space must be distorted." 

The famous historical figures answered to the question, "What am I?" 

Jesus Christ, Buddha, Leonardo da Vinci etc did it. 

Please watch the video.

It has become a difficult story somewhat.  Here is one video. 
It explains not Newtonian mechanics but quantum mechanics in an easy-to-understand manner. 
While you watch this video, I think that you will be starting to question the common sense up to now. 

Please watch it. (It is a 5 min 23 sec movie.) ※ Click to play.
The point of this video is that you can have physical influence on that subject by "seeing" (observing). 

This is called observer effect.  You can also imagine people far away. That is the same. 
Distance is irrelevant as it can have physical impact on "its target".

Distance does not matter.
Since the distance is the product of human perception,you can receive treatment even remotely.

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch

Quantum-Touch is a technique that dramatically increases self-healing power.

This treatment corresponds to the various symptoms.

With Quantum-Touch, the practitioner performs a specific breathing method and image method and creates a "field" of natural, but powerful energy. I will dramatically increase the client's self-healing power and accelerate the healing process.

Not to mention your stiff shoulders, headache, back pain, pelvic distortion, eye strain and so on, your insomnia, asthma, malfunction of internal organs, depression, chronic fatigue, excessive stress, malfunction of unknown cause etc. are also cases that you will be free of at an astounding speed.

To apply, please click here.

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch


Power vs. Force david R., M.D., Ph.D. Hawkins level map of consciousness

It has already scientifically proved that human energy can be quantified.

By the way, do you know a book titled "POWER VS. FORCE?" 
It is the book written by Dr. David R. Hawkins, an American psychiatrist. 

It is written that the energy of human consciousness can be measured with a numerical value of 1 to 1000 by using the science-accepted method of kinesiology test. 

This is a feat done by the research team, based on tests for thousands of people, millions of times, over 20 years. 

By doing this, Dr. David R. Hawkins was given the title of Knight from the Danish Royal Family and has also received a title from the Korean government. 

"POWER VS. FORCE" is a masterpiece in masterpieces.

Enlightenment and Nirvana

Consciousness Level

The numerical value (consciousness level) of human energy stated in "POWER VS. FORCE" is that hopeless feeling is 50, fear is 100, anger is 150, courage is 200, motivation is 310, and love is 500. Then, awakening is 540, enlightenment is 700, and ultimate enlightenment (nirvana) is 1000. 
Less than 200 has a negative influence (force), over 200 has a positive influence (power). The higher the number is, the more power (vitality) will be given. 

The higher the consciousness level is, the more it is expressed in the law of attraction as "in sync with the source." 

I experienced "awakening" and "enlightenment" at the age of 32 and reached "nirvana" at the age of 33. 

The column of light sticks to my backbone, it is like the high voltage current flows through the bones and nerves of my whole body, and I have a feeling that strong energy is released from my body, and the air around my body is vibrating. 

At the same time, everyday I feel "bliss" like being wrapped in gentle light, "shine of life" like sunlight through pouring from among the trees of the fresh green, "feeling of liberation" like flying over the sea of ​​clouds, and "silence" like being in the snowy field where the horizon can be seen. 

When you receive a healing, you may feel deep comfort thanks to the resonance phenomenon.

Enlightenment Nirvana

I hope that healing energy will be delivered.

My Strengths

There may be some people who experienced "awakening" and are active as healers.
However, it seems that many people finish their exploration there because of experiences that can make them feel a sense of great happiness.

As for the level of consciousness I mentioned earlier, actually the number shows logarithm. 540 of awakening is energy of 10 to the 540th power, and 1000 of Nirvana is energy of 10 to the 1000th power.The difference of energies between them is 460 digits of the number 0.

The difference in consciousness level does not mean superiority or inferiority.For example, there is no great difference between those who live on the 1st floor of an apartment and those who live on the 10th floor, but the views they see are different.

If the consciousness level is less than 400, it is known that it will be difficult to accept healing and spiritual talks. It is hard for the people living on the 1st floor of the apartment to imagine the view from the 10th floor, but it is easy for the people living on the 9th floor to image the scenery from the 10th floor with their realistic feelings.

As water becomes lukewarm water when boiling water is added to the water, energy will increase naturally if it relates to the one with high energy.

I, myself, was raised thanks to people with high energy (such as a qigong lady teacher, Aristotle, Kukai, Christ, Buddha,Da Vinci etc.). I cannot thank them enough.

(The photo is with Richard Gordon, the founder of Quantum-Touch on March 11, 2016 Quantum-Touch ® at Tokyo Conference.)

Richard Gordon Takatoshi Tokuo Quantum Touch Healing

Remote treatment is performed three times a day

( in the morning, afternoon and evening) for 10 days.

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch

About Remote Treatment

The remote treatment is a way to receive therapy for a certain period of time without coming to the salon after you provide your photos and tell symptoms. 
The treatment is done every day for 10 days, three times a day (in the morning, afternoon and evening).

In case of emergency, I will give it as soon as possible for 60 minutes.

Remote Quantum-Touch ® Healing Fees

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch Practitioner

・10days (6,000 Japanese yen)
・20days (12,000 Japanese yen)
・30days (18,000 Japanese yen)

・Emergency 60 minutes(20,000 Japanese yen)

To apply, please click here.

◆◆Remote Quantum-Touch Application Procedure◆◆

① Please input and send the necessary information in Remote Quantum-Touch® Healing Application Form

② Please confirm the automatic reply email message.
※ If you do not receive the email, please check the spam email folder.
 If you find it in the spam email folder, please change it to "not spam email" setting. Please set it to receive the email.

③ Please take one photo of the person who receives the treatment with a cell phone, a smartphone, a digital camera etc. 
※ Please prepare the clear photo because it is necessary to send the photo attached to the email. The newer the photo is, the better the treatment is. The photo of the whole figure is desirable, but it is okay if the face was shown in the photo.

④ Please email the photo to me.
※Please send it from the email address of the applicant who made an entry at the time of application.

⑤ I will confirm the photo at my side.

⑥ I will send a bill by email. Please pay by credit card.
It's possible to pay a bill with VISA, Master Card, American Express, JCB.
※I don't repay after payment.

⑦ I will confirm the photo and the receipt of your payment at my side.
After I confirm both the photo and payment, I will email the information about the starting date of the remote treatment to the applicant’s email address.
The treatment will start on the morning of the next day after the confirmation of the photo and payment.

If you choose an emergency, I will start it as soon as I can.

For those who wish to perform long-term treatment
If you wish to take the treatment for 20 days, The fee is 12,000 Japanese yen.
If you wish to take the treatment for 30 days, The fee is 18,000 Japanese yen.

To apply, please click here.

◆◆◆ Q&A ◆◆◆

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch FAQ

Q. Does the symptom be cured by one treatment? 

A. First of all, please understand that healing is not a medical practice.  There are cases that mild symptoms begin to diminish after several treatments,  and, sometimes, the symptoms you have had for a long time might be improved by a single treatment. 

Q. Does mental problems go away? 

A. There are many people who gain deep comfort, awareness, new sense through treatments. It is quite likely that the self-healing power you originally have increases, and mental problems are softened. 

Q. Do love luck and money luck go up? 

A. Treatments may increase self-acceptance (self-affirmation) and acceptance of others, so it is considered that self-confidence, courage, ability to take action  and sociability will be gained.  As a result, it is more likely to lead to fulfillment of love affairs and income growth. 

Q. How do you perform remote treatment? 

A. Please send me a photo, and I look at the photo, and while using the specific image method and respiration method, I adjust the energy field and perform the treatment. 

Q. Is there anything better to do or not to do during the treatment period?

A. Not really. Please spend your days at ease. 

Q. What time do you practice every day? 

A. I will do it when the energy rises, letting myself go with the flow of nature, so there is no specific time zone. I will treat you three times a day in the morning, afternoon and evening, so please do not worry. 

Q. Is it any religion? 

A. It has nothing to do with religion. 

Q. Does the practitioner get tired? 

A. Please do not worry. By raising the level of consciousness, I have not got tired most of the time. Also, Quantum Touch itself is the ingenious technique so that the practitioner does not get tired. 

Q. Is there any additional fee or need to extend it? 

A. No. There is no such a thing at all, so please do not worry.  On the contrary, if you wish, you can extend the extra treatment by paying additional fee. It will be ¥6,000 for 10 days, ¥12,000 for 20 days and ¥18,000 for 30 days. 
Please inform us by e-mail when you wish for the extension. 

Q. Do you accept remote treatment for pets? 

A. Yes. I accept it. 
Please enter your pet's name in the entry field of your name under "Name of the person who will receive the treatment" in the application form. 

*+:。.。:+* Please be healthy *+:。.。:+*
*+:。.。:+* Please be happy *+:。.。:+*

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch

"I want to become healthier." "I want to be much happier." I think that everyone wishes for them.

However, if you think that "I’m a useless person" or "I don’t have any value" under unconsciousness, you can’t get good health or happiness because you judge "I’m not worthy of being healthy" or "I don’t deserve to be happy."

Whatever others may say, you have infinite worth even if you are bedridden. That is the truth. 

I'd like you to think "I have worth no matter what I am" rather than "I’m OK in this case" or "I don’t like myself at times like this."

Also, if you have "anger" at others, it is also hard to receive good health and happiness.

The truth is "everything is one." If you have anger with someone, you will be also angry at your body's cells.

By receiving the healing, you think that you, yourself, have value in nature. Your anger at others gets relaxed, and, gradually, feeling of forgiveness comes out. So, you will be comfortable, change yourself and receive health and happiness.

Were you looking for 'a bright future' with hope without giving it up while you have difficult diseases in Western medicine?

Did you like yourself and want to meet "yourself with new personality" who is confident and can communicate with other people?

Are you in the process of releasing a mental block and realizing "a rich life in which you feel love and freedom" more?

If you think you will be happy when things change, your "happiness" may already be coming soon.

To apply, please click here.

Examples of body parts I send energy with Quantum-Touch

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch level 2.0

It’s for headache, shoulder stiffness, back pain, autonomic imbalance and of course, other symptoms as well.

Visual acuity ... lens, vitreous, ciliary muscle, retina, liver, pancreas 

Smoking ... brain insular cortex, reward circuit

Lack of confidence/self-hate ... the solar plexus 

Alzheimer/dementia ... hippocampus, frontal lobe, whole brain, heart 

Parkinson's disease ... substantia nigra, striatum, putamen, caudate nucleus, pons, brain stem 

Schizophrenia ... frontal, hindbrain, brain stem, cerebellum, thalamus 

PTSD / anxiety / trauma / panic attack ... cerebellar tonsil, hippocampus, hypothalamus, forebrain, limbic system 

Depression / mania / bipolar disorder ... frontal lobe, temporal lobe, limbic system, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, liver 

Sciatic neuralgia ... sciatic nerve, lumbar vertebra, sacrum, iliopsoas muscle, quadratus lumborum, piriformis muscle, sphenoidal bone 

Scoliosis ... the entire spinal column, the entire back muscle 

Ulcerative colitis ... colon, gall bladder, bile duct, pancreas, liver, lumbar vertebra, medulla oblongata, brain stem, thorax 

Cancer ... tumor site, thymus, brain stem 

To apply, please click here.

Closing Remarks

Remote Qigong healing Quantum Touch Takatoshi Tokuo

"Thank you for reading from the beginning to the end."

"The speed of improvement in remote treatment is still relatively slow compared to face-to-face treatment.

It is because the face-to-face treatment can be cured firmly. However, I think that there are also many people in the distance who cannot come. Therefore, unlike the face-to-face treatment, I will perform the treatment for 10 days because I want you to realize the change with remote treatment.

The fee is 6,000 Japanese yen for 10 days of treatment three times a day (in the morning, afternoon and evening). 

Once you apply, I will look at your photo for 10 consecutive days and remember it, so when I recall your photo even after ten days, you will be healed. "

"What do you feel if your current condition lasts five years?
Do you have anything in mind to accomplish? "

"If you feel comfortable, how would you like to use the rest of your life?"

"Can you make a choice without seeking change from the present situation?"

If you have incurable or serious illness, you will not have to rely on me.
I would be happy if you could think that you could do a miracle if you would take healing of a reliable "genuine" healer.

There is some sort of relationship with a person reading this page.
I would grateful if you could choose me.

A part of revenue will be used for advertisement costs.
It is possible your money heals not only your heat and body but also someone else’s.
It may save precious lives.
A god is fond of speed.
If you feel the inspiration (the etymology is "the breath of god"), please apply now.

It is the same content as
◆ Remote Quantum-Touch Application Flow◆
 as I have written above.

① Please input and send the necessary information in Remote Quantum-Touch® Healing Application Form. 

② Please confirm the automatic reply email message.
※ If you do not receive the email, please check the spam email folder.
 If you find it in the spam email folder, please change it to "not spam email" setting. Please set it to receive the email.

③ Please take one photo of the person who receives the treatment with a cell phone, a smartphone, a digital camera etc.  
※ Please prepare the clear photo because it is necessary to send the photo attached to the email. The newer the photo is, the better the treatment is. The photo of the whole figure is desirable, but it is okay if the face was shown in the photo.

④ Please email the photo to me.
※Please send it from the email address of the applicant who made an entry at the time of application.

⑤ I will confirm the photo at my side.

⑥ I will send a bill by email. Please pay by credit card.
It's possible to pay a bill with VISA, Master Card, American Express, JCB.
※I don't repay after payment.

⑦ I will confirm the photo and the receipt of your payment at my side.
After I confirm both the photo and payment, I will email the information about the starting date of the remote treatment to the applicant’s email address.
The treatment will start on the morning of the next day after the confirmation of the photo and payment.

If you choose an emergency, I will start it as soon as I can.

For those who wish to perform long-term treatment
If you wish to take the treatment for 20 days, The fee is 12,000 Japanese yen.
If you wish to take the treatment for 30 days, The fee is 18,000 Japanese yen.

To apply, please click here.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I was assisted by qigong (healing). 
At that time, it was really rewarding to receive treatment with my courage. 
If I had not received the healing, I was wondering what would have happened to me. 

[To those who liked this website] 
Please register your favorite so that you can access it soon.  I would be very pleased if you could share it on Facebook and tweet on twitter etc. 
Thank you very much for using your valuable time and reading!

~ The person who reached the level of the affection has a clear influence on people.
The people who reached this level lead people to love and peaceful consciousness by looking at a partner patiently long.                               by『POWER VS. FORCE』 ~

Takatoshi Tokuo